Hello Wizards ;)
More goodies have arrived in the shop today in the form of Pet Power Ups!!!
Now you will be able to ensure your pets safety some more!!
The Golden Figurine increases your pets power by 80% !! That's gonna be one strong pet to fight :S Buy it to increase the number of pet kills your pet makes, when they reach 10 kills they get a +3 skill bonus!
The Poison Doll has been seeped in an ancient plant extract that is deadly to pets!! Buy one of these and be free of pet attacks for 48 hours :)
Bring your pet back to life by buying the Pet Heart Cage, your pet will be eternally grateful to you ♥
Come dance with me ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Skin Glitch
Hey Wizards,
I bet your wondering what is then skin glitch, It is when you can turn ur skin grey or purple.
You wanna know how? Follow these steps.
1st. Go to dress your avatar.
2nd. click on the color wheel for body color:
4th. Keep clicking until ur skin color changes to grey:
I bet your wondering what is then skin glitch, It is when you can turn ur skin grey or purple.
You wanna know how? Follow these steps.
1st. Go to dress your avatar.
2nd. click on the color wheel for body color:
3rd. Click just outside of the regular skin colors:
4th. Keep clicking until ur skin color changes to grey:
For purple skin color, click around like u did but on different sides of the circle:
And there you go, special skin colors.
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
New In Shop!!
Hello Wizards ;)
Take a look in the shop today and you will see some changes!!
Now you can buy health potions for your bruised and battered pet :) Keep their health up because you wont want your pet to be killed :(
Also you will notice that the gift and curse shops has some changes too, all gifts and curses will now cost you your mana to buy and not gold!!! This may dissuade some people from sending so many as I noticed that some poor souls had a real lot of curses :O but it is your choice after all, as we do fight with swords not flowers ;)
Some of you ask what the token means on the 2 top gift and curses, It is just that, a token of friendship with gift or a token of Grrrr with the curse XD These do not affect your stats at all.
Come dance with me, my pet wants to eat, oops, I mean meet you ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Take a look in the shop today and you will see some changes!!
Now you can buy health potions for your bruised and battered pet :) Keep their health up because you wont want your pet to be killed :(
Also you will notice that the gift and curse shops has some changes too, all gifts and curses will now cost you your mana to buy and not gold!!! This may dissuade some people from sending so many as I noticed that some poor souls had a real lot of curses :O but it is your choice after all, as we do fight with swords not flowers ;)
Some of you ask what the token means on the 2 top gift and curses, It is just that, a token of friendship with gift or a token of Grrrr with the curse XD These do not affect your stats at all.
Come dance with me, my pet wants to eat, oops, I mean meet you ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Gold Rush!!!
Hello Wizards ;)
Some good news for you all!!
Gold is now available to buy :)))
I am sure you have all seen the various items that you can buy with gold and I bet the 1st thing that most of you will buy will be a pet XD Having a pet will greatly help you win more battles!!
So what do you think? price reasonable enough? I think so :)
Tell me what you are going to buy!!
Dance with me if you dare...... I'll be waiting ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Some good news for you all!!
Gold is now available to buy :)))
Click on the buy gold tab and it will take you to this page!!
I am sure you have all seen the various items that you can buy with gold and I bet the 1st thing that most of you will buy will be a pet XD Having a pet will greatly help you win more battles!!
So what do you think? price reasonable enough? I think so :)
Tell me what you are going to buy!!
Dance with me if you dare...... I'll be waiting ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Clan Styles!! Who Is Who?
Hello Wizards ;)
I thought I would show you some male avatar styles today and so I picked members of our clan!
They look cool right? Would you be scared to go to war with them?XD
1 2
3 4
5 6
I wonder if you can tell me who is who in this bunch of stylish Wizards?
Who will be 1st to get it right!!!
Come dance with me ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Pssst... I heard a whisper that gold may be available really soon ;)
Original post by Mistress Of Magic
Tim| 7Wiz Guide
I thought I would show you some male avatar styles today and so I picked members of our clan!
They look cool right? Would you be scared to go to war with them?XD
1 2
3 4
5 6
I wonder if you can tell me who is who in this bunch of stylish Wizards?
Who will be 1st to get it right!!!
Come dance with me ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Pssst... I heard a whisper that gold may be available really soon ;)
Original post by Mistress Of Magic
Tim| 7Wiz Guide
Twilight in 7Wizards
Good Morning Wizards ;)
I have a sneak peek of a female Vampire avatar to show you!!
Nice huh? I likey ;)
What do you think of this concept? Let me know!
Dance with me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
I have a sneak peek of a female Vampire avatar to show you!!
Nice huh? I likey ;)
What do you think of this concept? Let me know!
Dance with me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Siberia Trip Puzzle :)
Hey Wizards,
What is shown on the picture that I made?
The first hint: this is a teacher.
Vayerman | 7Wiz Master
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
What is shown on the picture that I made?
The first hint: this is a teacher.
Vayerman | 7Wiz Master
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Gifts Gifts Gifts!!!
Hello Wizards ;)
Have you looked in the shop today?
Now the price of gifts has been set and they are very affordable :))
You will be limited to the amount of gifts you can send or receive per day!
Remember not to ask/beg for gifts as this is not good manners :)
Battles: There has also been a small change to battles, now you can earn fame and XP more than once every 2 hours, but only if the player you are attacking hasn't already been fought and someone else has got the xp or fame from them already! So you should seek out other wizards of equal or higher level than yourself to earn xp and better your fame rank!
Battle me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Have you looked in the shop today?
Now the price of gifts has been set and they are very affordable :))
You will be limited to the amount of gifts you can send or receive per day!
Remember not to ask/beg for gifts as this is not good manners :)
Battles: There has also been a small change to battles, now you can earn fame and XP more than once every 2 hours, but only if the player you are attacking hasn't already been fought and someone else has got the xp or fame from them already! So you should seek out other wizards of equal or higher level than yourself to earn xp and better your fame rank!
Battle me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I'm back :) -Vayerman
Hey Wizards,
I'm back from vacation in Siberia, where I tried to get some real magic knowledge :)
I learned some very basic skills, really. Some pics may follow later.
Here is my current avatar, but I may want to change something soon. None of us like to have the same clothing all of the time, right? ;) That's why on 7 Wizards we will have lots of different avatars... besides those you have seen we have vampires and elves in progress!
Vayerman | 7Wiz Master
I came back yesterday, but I still can't chat :) I think we should make it available from level 2 )))
What do you think?
Do you know where Siberia is?
Originally posted by:
Vayerman | 7Wiz Master
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Hall Of Glory Leaders!
Morning Wizards ;)
It is Monday, So time to have a look at the leaders in the Hall Of Glory!
Well, we can see that Loy is holding tight to 1st place still, hmmm I will have to start hunting him soon XD
Next up in 2nd place is Hashem and close on Loys heels, followed by Monkey who has made a steady increase up the board this week, he is a tough cookie to beat (I have the wounds from trying x])
Amy is still in the top 10, she has been in top 10 from the start and again you may want to think twice before crossing staffs with her, she means business xD!!! I am in 12th place at the moment, let's see if I can do better by next Monday!
Increase your fame by beating those that have a higher fame level then your own and you will slowly climb the board! Don't go mindlessly into battle, look at a players stats before attacking and choose your victim well x)
What place on the board are you? let me know
Battle me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
It is Monday, So time to have a look at the leaders in the Hall Of Glory!
Well, we can see that Loy is holding tight to 1st place still, hmmm I will have to start hunting him soon XD
Next up in 2nd place is Hashem and close on Loys heels, followed by Monkey who has made a steady increase up the board this week, he is a tough cookie to beat (I have the wounds from trying x])
Amy is still in the top 10, she has been in top 10 from the start and again you may want to think twice before crossing staffs with her, she means business xD!!! I am in 12th place at the moment, let's see if I can do better by next Monday!
Increase your fame by beating those that have a higher fame level then your own and you will slowly climb the board! Don't go mindlessly into battle, look at a players stats before attacking and choose your victim well x)
What place on the board are you? let me know
Battle me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Looking At Additional Talents!
Good Morning Wizards ;)
Lot's of you ask me about additional talents, so we will have a look at them today!!
Safeguard: Basically safeguard increases your all round defence!
For each level of upgrade your protection will go up, the higher the level the more hard it is to beat you!
The more you upgrade mind then the more mana you will receive per hour, So although 12000 mana is a hefty price to pay, this one will in fact pay for itself over a short period of time, so it's well worth saving up from time to time and upgrading mind!!
You will of noticed that when searching for opponents to battle at a particular level, it sometimes finds you a different level then what you asked for! This is why you need to upgrade your clairvoyance level, the higher this is then the easier it will be for you to find opponents of the desired level and as using the search costs you mana each time you search, this again is well worth having so as not to waste your mana searching!
Upgrading cloak will stop people from finding you so easy in level search! If your clairvoyance is higher then someone of the same level then they will not find you, this is handy if you want to stay out of battle for a while and preserve your mana! you will realise now, why sometimes when you search a level 6 for example, it may find you a level 7 or 8 this is because their Clairvoyance was lower than yours!!
I hope this answers all your questions regarding addition talents!
Don't forget to keep your own 7Wizard blogs updated with posts!
Battle me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim| 7 Wiz Guide
Lot's of you ask me about additional talents, so we will have a look at them today!!
Safeguard: Basically safeguard increases your all round defence!
For each level of upgrade your protection will go up, the higher the level the more hard it is to beat you!
Mind: Just as it says!The more you upgrade mind then the more mana you will receive per hour, So although 12000 mana is a hefty price to pay, this one will in fact pay for itself over a short period of time, so it's well worth saving up from time to time and upgrading mind!!
Clairvoyance: Helps you find your level!You will of noticed that when searching for opponents to battle at a particular level, it sometimes finds you a different level then what you asked for! This is why you need to upgrade your clairvoyance level, the higher this is then the easier it will be for you to find opponents of the desired level and as using the search costs you mana each time you search, this again is well worth having so as not to waste your mana searching!
Cloak: Makes your wizard harder to find!Upgrading cloak will stop people from finding you so easy in level search! If your clairvoyance is higher then someone of the same level then they will not find you, this is handy if you want to stay out of battle for a while and preserve your mana! you will realise now, why sometimes when you search a level 6 for example, it may find you a level 7 or 8 this is because their Clairvoyance was lower than yours!!
I hope this answers all your questions regarding addition talents!
Don't forget to keep your own 7Wizard blogs updated with posts!
Battle me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim| 7 Wiz Guide
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pets On 7Wizards!
Hey Wizards ;)
Gold will probably be available to buy in a couple of weeks and you will be able to then get a pet!!
It doesn't matter which pet you pick, they all start with the same stats and you will have to train them just like yo do your own character, a pets vitality has to be on 20 for them to start fighting alongside you!!
This is my pets status and as you can see, it says that if my pets health reaches 0 then it will die :(( and you then have to resurrect them for a further amount of gold! So you need to be careful when you have a pet and train them properly to stop that happening!
Pets will fight alongside you in battles, if your opponent doesn't have a pet then your pet will attack your opponent but if he too has a pet, then they fight each other and this is when they could be killed! You have an option to put your pet in it's cage, this will keep him safe but obviously while caged he does not fight! My pet is caged and I will keep him that way until you are able to buy a pet!
At the moment you cannot name pets but maybe this will be a future option!! If so then mine will be called Beano xD I got these pictures of my pet by fighting myself with my Jessie2000 account, after each fight I had to buy a health potion :S I believe the best Wizards will all have pets, they are very strong!
Here he is, showing off in battle XD he looks cheeky huh? but don't underestimate him, that one tooth does a LOT of damage ;)
Which pet are you going to get?
Come dance with me in 7Wizards ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Gold will probably be available to buy in a couple of weeks and you will be able to then get a pet!!
(My pet in action, the 3 different pets all have their own animations when fighting)
It doesn't matter which pet you pick, they all start with the same stats and you will have to train them just like yo do your own character, a pets vitality has to be on 20 for them to start fighting alongside you!!
This is my pets status and as you can see, it says that if my pets health reaches 0 then it will die :(( and you then have to resurrect them for a further amount of gold! So you need to be careful when you have a pet and train them properly to stop that happening!
Pets will fight alongside you in battles, if your opponent doesn't have a pet then your pet will attack your opponent but if he too has a pet, then they fight each other and this is when they could be killed! You have an option to put your pet in it's cage, this will keep him safe but obviously while caged he does not fight! My pet is caged and I will keep him that way until you are able to buy a pet!
At the moment you cannot name pets but maybe this will be a future option!! If so then mine will be called Beano xD I got these pictures of my pet by fighting myself with my Jessie2000 account, after each fight I had to buy a health potion :S I believe the best Wizards will all have pets, they are very strong!
Here he is, showing off in battle XD he looks cheeky huh? but don't underestimate him, that one tooth does a LOT of damage ;)
Which pet are you going to get?
Come dance with me in 7Wizards ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Friday, July 23, 2010
OMG!!! A lvl 12 wizard!!! His name is Life. He only has 15 fame though. You don't believe me? Picture proof:
See, he is lvl 12. Also over 300 FOLLOWERS!!!! WOOT PARTY TIME!!!!
yuppers 303 followers. Well see you guys on Wizards.
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
1 week Of 7 Wizards!
Hello Wizards ;)
Happy 1 week of 7Wizards, 1st full week of play, 1525 registered users and counting!
Not too shabby huh? XD
Each day there are changes made and this will continue until the Wiz team feel they have got it just right :)
I know lot's of you have many questions but not all can be answered because of this, this is what beta means, we are the guinea pigs to be tested on x) Just go with the flow!
Already we have someone on level 12 :O A tough cookie to beat but keep meditating and training and fight in between and you will soon catch up!!!
Tell me how you are enjoying the game, let's hear your suggestions for improvments, style etc whatever you want to say, and don't forget the Facebook Fan Page! here you can have discussions and upload pictures etc!
I want to hear your views!!
Come and dance with me there ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Happy 1 week of 7Wizards, 1st full week of play, 1525 registered users and counting!
Not too shabby huh? XD
Each day there are changes made and this will continue until the Wiz team feel they have got it just right :)
I know lot's of you have many questions but not all can be answered because of this, this is what beta means, we are the guinea pigs to be tested on x) Just go with the flow!
Already we have someone on level 12 :O A tough cookie to beat but keep meditating and training and fight in between and you will soon catch up!!!
Tell me how you are enjoying the game, let's hear your suggestions for improvments, style etc whatever you want to say, and don't forget the Facebook Fan Page! here you can have discussions and upload pictures etc!
I want to hear your views!!
Come and dance with me there ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Thursday, July 22, 2010
More Updates =)
Hey Wizards,
There are more updates on wizards if you haven't noticed yet.
Like the Hall of Glory pages. There are now 7 pages and 140 ranks on it. I am ranked 73 which is on the 4th page. It is now 20 ranks per page instead of 25. And the pages are located at the top instead of the bottom.
Also we got more smiley faces woot!!!!

Also the official blog of 7Wizards has 298 FOLLOWERS!!!! WOOT PARTY SOON!!
Also 7Wizards Guide is on the blog list woot!!!!!
Well see you guys on wizards
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Dressing Up Your Avatar
Hey wizards ;)
It's easy to dress up your avatar on 7Wizards!!
Just highlight the avatar tab and a sub menu appears with the words Dress Up, click that and it will open the dress up screen under the chat!!
From this screen just scroll through all the various style there is, using the little arrows at the sides!
7Wizards has some great animé styles and you can make your Wizard look awesome!
Choose your favourite outfit and then choose the color you want the clothes to be, click on the little color wheel next to each choice of change and it will open up a large color wheel, from here you can select whatever shade you like!!
Pick your choice of weapon and even they have a choice to change color to match your outfit, this is the same with the backgrounds!! Click save when you are finished and you're done!!
I think the clothes so far are amazing for male and female avatars and I'm sure there will be a lot more choice in the future, I can't wait!!!!
Come and dance with me on 7Wizards ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
It's easy to dress up your avatar on 7Wizards!!
Just highlight the avatar tab and a sub menu appears with the words Dress Up, click that and it will open the dress up screen under the chat!!
From this screen just scroll through all the various style there is, using the little arrows at the sides!
7Wizards has some great animé styles and you can make your Wizard look awesome!
Choose your favourite outfit and then choose the color you want the clothes to be, click on the little color wheel next to each choice of change and it will open up a large color wheel, from here you can select whatever shade you like!!
Pick your choice of weapon and even they have a choice to change color to match your outfit, this is the same with the backgrounds!! Click save when you are finished and you're done!!
I think the clothes so far are amazing for male and female avatars and I'm sure there will be a lot more choice in the future, I can't wait!!!!
Come and dance with me on 7Wizards ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Growing Community!!!
Hey Wizards ;)
Have you seen how fast our 7Wizards community is growing? 1500 registered users, WOOT!
7Wizards has not even been open a week yet and already we have so many!!
Keep them coming, how many do you think we will have this time next week??
Let me know your thoughts!!
Dance with me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
Have you seen how fast our 7Wizards community is growing? 1500 registered users, WOOT!
7Wizards has not even been open a week yet and already we have so many!!
Keep them coming, how many do you think we will have this time next week??
Let me know your thoughts!!
Dance with me if you dare ;)
Mistress Of Magic
Tim | 7Wiz Guide
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Blog Archive
- Pets Got The Power!!!
- Skin Glitch
- New In Shop!!
- The Gold Rush!!!
- Clan Styles!! Who Is Who?
- Twilight in 7Wizards
- Siberia Trip Puzzle :)
- Gifts Gifts Gifts!!!
- I'm back :) -Vayerman
- Hall Of Glory Leaders!
- Hey Wizards ;) 1st proper video of 7Wizards in ac...
- Looking At Additional Talents!
- Pets On 7Wizards!
- 1 week Of 7 Wizards!
- More Updates =)
- Dressing Up Your Avatar
- Growing Community!!!
- Adding Friends on 7Wizards
- Clans On 7Wizards!!
- Blog Update
- Updates!!
- Welcome to 7 Wizards!!!
- Mystery Items!!!
- Are You Getting Ready?